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Pubblicazioni scientifiche

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Il Resto del Carlino
La Repubblica
Malformazione di Chiari e Siringomielia
La Provincia Pavese
Il Giorno
Speaker invitato a congressi:

1. VIII Congress of the Neurological and Neurosurgical italian Society (SNO). Surgery of tumors in eloquent areas. 24.01.2009, Civile Hospital, Alessandria, Italy


2. Surgery of intracranial metastases. Faculty of Medicine, University of Eastern Piedmont, Novara, 9.2.2009


3. Awake surgery for tumors in eloquent areas. Italian Society of Neurology, Cuneo, 6-7, 11. 2009


4. Up to date on rare diseases. Surgical treatment of Chiari malformation and syringomyelia. Civil Hospital,

Alessandria 08.02.2010


5. Neuroimaging of brain tumors: the neurosurgeon’s needs. Koelliker Hospital, Turin, 15.05.2010


6. Cervical Corpectomy step-by-step. In “Cadaver lab of cervical spine approaches”. Department of Anatomy, University of Wien, Austria, 15-17-02.2011


7. Awake Brain Surgery: from surgery to research. University of Turin, 14.06.2013


8. Chiari syndrome and syringomyelia. Clinical and surgical aspects. Domus Salutis, Brescia, 15.05.2013


9. Awake surgery and intraoperative mapping: neurooncological usefulness and model for brain functions study. Lecture at the Physiology PhD school, University of Milan, 25.05.2013


10. Glioblastoma: up to date on novel therapies. University of Milan, 15.04.2014


11. Surgical approaches to the lumbar spondilolysthesise: PLF, PLIF, TLIF. how we do in Brescia. Spine section of SINCH, Catania, 5-6-7.06.2014


12. Spinal Intramedullary tumors. In “Management strategies and surgical techniques in spine surgery:

avoid and prevent failures”. Ferrara, 12.12.2014


13. DTI challenge. Italian chapter of the ISMRM. Verona, 16-17.04.2015


14. Cerebello-pontine angle tumors: evolution of the surgical approaches related to new treatment’s paradigms. SPIGC (Italian Society of Young Surgeons), Brescia, 11-13 june 2015


15. VII° Incontro Convegno 10 – 11 – 12 aprile 2015 dell'ACAR (associazione  per malattia esostosante e sulla sindrome di Ollier/Maffucci). Tema: Gliomi cerebrali e malattia di Ollier


16.Supratentorial gliomas in eloquent areas: which parameters can predict extent of resection and functional outcome. Neurooncology updates, 14th edition, Cortona, 1-3 july 2015


16. Supratentorial gliomas in eloquent areas: Can we predict extent of resection and functional outcome? EANS annual meeting 2015, 18-21 October, Madrid


17. Anniversario 10 anni dell'AISMAC (associazione italiana siringomielia e malattia di Arnold-Chiari).


18. Approcci laterali al basicranio medio e posteriore. 10-12 marzo 2016, Torino


19. Indicazioni al trattamento chirurgico negli ematomi intracerebrali. “Gestione delle Urgenze in Neurochirurgia”, Fondazione Policlinico IRCCS, Milano, 05.12.2016


20. Far lateral approach and extended pterional approach. 54th W. Laugheed Microsurgical Course, Western Hospital and University of Toronto, Canada. 1-5 Maggio 2017


21. Gliomi Cerebrali: strategie terapeutiche combinate. 25 e 26 Maggio 2017. Venezia


22. CSF dynamics alterations: the challenge of Chiari Malformation. In: Focus on Cerebrospinal Fluid, from basic to clinical research. 6 Ottobre 2017, Franciacorta-Brescia


23. Tumori cerebrali sopratentoriali. In: Gestione del bambino con tumore cerebrale, Ospedale San Gerardo di Monza, 18.11.2017


24. Multimodal management of complex ruptured cerebellar AVM. Masterclass at EANS 2018, Brussels


25. Which approach for giant trigeminal schwannoma? Masterclass at EANS 2018, Brussels


26. TRATTAMENTI INTEGRATI CHIRURGIA-RADIOCHIRURGIA: È GIUNTO IL TEMPO DELL’HYBRID SURGERY? Congresso celebrativo dei 10 anni della gamma knife Niguarda. Novembre 2018


27. Surgery for Insular and Paralimbic Tumors. 17.02.2021. In "L'insula svelata:dal reale al virtuale". Webinar del SiNch


28.Awake surgery: where do we go from here? Incontro presso Ist. Humanitas Catania dal titolo "Il trattamento neurochirurgico delle neoplasie cerebrali e spinali". 23-24 settembre 2022. 


29. Perché preferisco la via classica nella chirurgia del basicranio. XVII Corso di Neuroradiologia Interventistica. Salerno 14-15 aprile 2023



31. Stato dell'arte nella chirurgia dei meningiomi intracranici nel paziente anziano . Meeting SINCh. Ospedale Niguarda, 11 maggio 2023


32. Awake Surgery for Glial Tumors. Meet the Masters, Waterloo, 7-9 settembre 2023


33. Insular tumor surgery: technical nuances to avoid risks and extend resection. Serbian Neurosurgical Society Meeting. 31,10-3.11.2023


34 Special Lecture al Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Neurochirurgia. "La chirurgia dei tumori in area eloquente: stato dell'arte e sfide future". Padova 12-14 ottobre 2023


 ttp://www.ncbi.nlm.n !


1. Bonioli E, Hennekam RC, Spena G, Morcaldi G, Di Stefano A, Serra G, Bellini C.
Aplasia cutis congenita, skull defect, brain heterotopia, and intestinal lymphangiectasia. Am J Med Genet. Jan 15;132(2):202-5, 2005


2. Spena G, Gatignol P, Capelle L, Duffau H. Superior longitudinal fsciculus subserves vestibular network in humans. Neuroreport Sep 18;17(13): 1403-6, 2006


3. Zona G, Spena G, Sbaffi PF, Spaziante R. A meningioma with islets of extramedullary myeloid metaplasia: case report. Neurosurgery Aug; 61(2): 418-9, 2007


4. Spena G, Fasel J, De Tribolet N, Radovanovic I. Subfrontal endoscopic fenestration of lamina terminalis: an anatomical study. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, 6 vol 51, 313-374, 2008


5. Spena G, Bernucci C, Garbossa D, Valfrè V, Versari P. Clinical and radiological outcome of craniocervical osteo-dural decompression for Chiari I-associated s!yringomyelia. Neurosurgical Review, DOI 10.1007/s10143-010-0260-y


6. Spena G, Garbossa D, Barletta L, Prevost C, Versari P. Preoperative chemotherapy for infiltrative low-grade oligoastrocytoma: a useful strategy o maximize surgic!al resection. Neurol Med Chir (Tokio) 50, 408-411, 2010


8. Szelényi A, Bello L, Duffau H, Fava E, Feigl GC, Galanda M, Neuloh G, Signorelli F, Sala F.
Intraoperative electrical stimulation in awake craniotomy: methodological aspects of current practice. Workgroup for Intraoperative Management in Low-Grade Glioma Surgery within the European Low-Grade Glioma Network. Neurosurg Focus. 2010 Feb;28(2):E7. doi: 10.3171/2009.12.FOCUS09237. Review.


9. Spena G, Nava A, Cassini F, Pepoli A, Bruno M, D'Agata F, Cauda F, Sacco K, Duca S, Barletta L, Versari P. Preoperative and intraoperative brain mapping for the resection of eloquent-area tumors. A prospective analysis of methodology, correlation, and usefulness based on clinical outcomes. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2010 Nov;152(11):1835-46.


10. Spena G, Versari P. Bubbles in the head: a new method for brain retraction during craniotomy. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2011 Sep;153(9):1807-11.


11. Comment on “Long-term outcome of surgical management of adult Chiari I malformation”. El-Ghandour N. Neurosurg Rev 2012; 35:537-547


12. Comment on “The endoscopic endonasal approach for the management of craniopharyngioms involving the third ventricle. Cavallo LM, Solari D, Esposito F, Cappabianca. Neurosurg Rev 2013;36(2):340


13. Comment on “Less invasive transjugular approach with Fallopian bridge technique for facial nerve protection and hearing preservation in surgery of gloms jugular tumors. Nonaka Y, Fukushima T, Watanabe K, Friedman AH, McElveen JT, Cunningham CD, Zomorodi AR. Neurosurg Rev 2013; 36(4):579-86


14. Spena G, Garbossa D, Panciani PP, Griva F, Fontanella MM. Purely subcortical tumors in eloquent areas: Awake surgery and cortical and subcortical electrical stimulation (CSES) ensure safe and effective surgery. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2013 Mar 2.


15. Garbossa D, Panciani PP, Angeleri R, Battaglia L, Tartara F, Ajello M, Agnoletti A, Versari P, Ducati A, Fontanella M, Spena G. A retrospective two-center study of antiepileptic

prophylaxis in patients with surgically treated high-grade gliomas. Neurol India. 2013 Mar-Apr;61(2):131-7


16. Beez T, Boge K, Wager M, Whittle I, Fontaine D, Spena G, Braun S, Szelényi A, Bello L, Duffau H, Sabel M; European Low Grade Glioma Network. Tolerance of awake surgery for glioma: a prospective European Low Grade Glioma Network multicenter study. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2013 Jul;155(7):1301-8.doi: 10.1007/s00701-013-1759-0.


17. Nicolosi F, Nodari G, Spena G, Roca E, Migliorati K, Esposito G, Stefini R, Fontanella M, Panciani PP. Cerebral Wegener's granuloma: surgery mandatory for diagnosis and treatment. Case Rep Neurol Med. 2013;2013:750391. doi: 10.1155/2013/750391.


18. Comment on “Posterior condylar canals and posterior condylar emissary veins- a microsurgical and CT anatomical study. Matsushima K, Kawashima M, Matsushima T, Hiraishi T, Noguchi T, Kuraoka A. Neurosurg Rev 2014; 37(1): 115-126


19. Fontanella M, Benevello C, Panciani PP, Ronchetti G, Bacigaluppi S, Stefini R, Spena G, Garbossa D, Ducati A. Automated end-to-side anastomosis to the middle cerebral artery with C-Port xA: A feasibility study on human cadavers. Asian J Neurosurg. 2013 Apr;8(2):74-7. doi: 10.4103/1793-5482.116377


20. Crobeddu E, Panciani PP, Garbossa D, Pilloni G, Fornaro R, Ronchetti G, Spena G, Tartara F, Ducati A, Fontanella M. Cerebrovascular diseases in the elderly: the challenge of multiple aneurysms. Int J Neurosci. 2014 Aug;124(8):573-6


21. Spena G, D'Agata F, Panciani PP, Buglione di Monale M, Fontanella MM. Supratentorial gliomas in eloquent areas: which parameters can predict functional outcome and extent of resection? PLoS One. 2013 Dec 5;8(12):e80916


22. Ronchetti G, Panciani PP, Stefini R, Spena G, Fontanella MM. Acute supratentorial ischemic stroke: when surgery is mandatory. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:624126


23. Fontanella MM, Panciani PP, Spena G, Roca E, Migliorati K, Ambrosi C, Sturiale CL, Retta FS. Professional athletes and cerebral cavernomas: an obstacle to overcome. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2014 Mar 18


24. Tardivo V, Crobeddu E, Pilloni G, Fontanella M, Spena G, Panciani PP, Berjano P, Ajello M, Bozzaro M, Agnoletti A, Altieri R, Fiumefreddo A, Zenga F, Ducati A, Garbossa D. Say "no" to spinal cord injury: is nitric oxide an option for therapeutic strategies? Int J Neurosci. 2014 May 27


25. Aneurismal bone cysts. Commentary. Spena G. J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2014 Jan;5(1):58. No abstract available.


26. Agnoletti A, Mencarani C, Panciani PP, Buffoni L, Ronchetti G, Spena G, Tartara F, Buglione M, Pagano M, Ducati A, Fontanella M, Garbossa D. Surgery in cerebral metastases: are numbers so important? J Cancer Res Ther. 2014 Jan-Mar;10(1):79-83


27. Spena G, Costi E, Panciani PP, Roca E, Migliorati K, Fontanella MM. Acute functional reactivation of the language network during awake intraoperative brain mapping. Neurocase. 2014 May 7:1-5


28. Buglione M, Spiazzi L, Saiani F, Costa L, Shehi B, Lazzari B, Uccelli C, Pasinetti N, Borghetti P, Triggini L, Donadoni L, Pedretti S, Magrini SM; Neuro-Oncology Group, Spedali Civili, Brescia University, Brescia, Italy. Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy, static intensity-modulated and helical intensity-modulated radiotherapy in glioblastoma. Dosimetric comparison in patients with overlap between target volumes and organs at risk. Tumori. 2014 May-Jun;100(3):272-7


29. Spena G, Panciani PP, Fontanella MM. Resection of supratentorial gliomas: the need to merge microsurgical technical cornerstones with modern functional mapping concepts. An overview. Neurosurg Rev. 2014 Oct 21


30. Fontanella MM, Fazio M, Francione A, Bacigaluppi S, Griva F, Visocchi M, Panciani PP, Bergomi R, Spena G. Pre-symptomatic cervical myelopathy: should we operate or should we observe? What is the chance of spinal cord injury from an accident? J Neurosurg Sci. 2014 Jun;58(2 Suppl 1):15-22


31. Spena G, Panciani PP, Costi E, Nicolosi F, Fontanella MM. Minimally invasive surgery for thoracic and lumbar spinal fractures: rationale for treatment. J Neurosurg Sci. 2014 Jun;58(2 Suppl 1):23-7


32. Ajello M, Garbossa D, Fiumefreddo A, Marengo N, Bozzaro M, Tartara F, Zenga F, Pilloni G, Panciani PP, Spena G, Berjano P, Fontanella M, Ducati A. Do stand alone cervical interbody spacers pose any advantage over plate and screws? J Neurosurg Sci. 2014 Jun;58(2 Suppl 1):49-53


33. Crobeddu E, Garbossa D, Pilloni G, Bozzaro M, Berjano P, Gontero P, Fiorito C, Panciani PP, Spena G, Zenga F, Tartara F, Fontanella M, Ducati A. Management of vascular and ureteral complications after lumbar discectomy. J Neurosurg Sci. 2014 Jun;58(2 Suppl 1):107-12.


34. Bacigaluppi S, Zona G, Secci F, Spena G, Mavilio N, Brusa G, Agid R, Krings T, Ottonello G, Fontanella M. Diagnosis of cerebral vasospasm and risk of delayed cerebral ischemia related to aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage: an overview of available tools. Neurosurg Rev. 2015 Mar 4


35. Stefini R, Zenga F, Esposito G, Bolzoni A, Tartara F, Spena G, Ambrosi C, Fontanella MM. Following the canyon to reach and remove olfactory groove meningiomas: surgical experience. J Neurosurg Sci. 2015 Mar 10


36. Buglione M, Borghetti P, Pedretti S, Triggiani L, Fontanella MM, Spena G, Grisanti S, Liserre R, Poliani LP, Gipponi S, Spiazzi L, Magrini SM. Post-surgical therapeutic approaches to glioblastoma patients submitted to biopsy (BA) or "partial" resection (PR): the possibilities to treat also them without renunciations. Study from the Brescia Neuro-Oncology Group. Radiol Med. 2015 Mar 15


37. Rofes A, Spena G, Miozzo A, Fontanella M, Miceli G. Advantages and disadvantages of intraoperative languages tasks in awake surgery: a three-task approach for prefrontal tumors. J Neurosurg Sci 2015 Jul 10


38. Altieri R, Fontanella M, Agnoletti A, Panciani PP, Spena G, Crobeddu E, Pilloni G, Tardivo V, Lanotte M, Zenga F, Ducati A, Garbossa D.Role of Nitric Oxide in Glioblastoma Therapy: Another Step to Resolve the Terrible Puzzle ?Transl Med UniSa. 2014 Sep 1;12:54-9


39. Altieri R, Zenga F, Fontanella MM, Cofano F, Agnoletti A, Spena G, Crobeddu E, Fornaro R, Ducati A, Garbossa D.Glioma Surgery: Technological Advances to Achieve a Maximal Safe Resection.Surg Technol Int. 2015 Nov;27:297-302


40. Buglione M, Pedretti S, Poliani PL, Liserre R, Gipponi S, Spena G, Borghetti P, Pegurri L, Saiani F, Spiazzi L, Tesini G, Uccelli C, Triggiani L, Magrini SM.Pattern of relapse of glioblastoma multiforme treated with radical radio-chemotherapy: could a margin reduction be proposed.J Neurooncol. 2016 Mar 30


41. Spena G, Schucht P, Seidel K, Rutten GJ, Freyschlag CF, D'Agata F, Costi E, Zappa F, Fontanella M, Fontaine D, Almairac F, Cavallo M, De Bonis P, Conesa G, Foroglou N, Gil-Robles S, Mandonnet E, Martino J, Picht T, Viegas C, Wager M, Pallud J. Brain tumors in eloquent areas: A European multicenter survey of intraoperative mapping techniques, intraoperative seizures occurrence, and antiepileptic drug prophylaxis. Neurosurg Rev. 2016 Aug 1


42. Bertuccio A, Robba C, Spena G, Versari PP.Intracranial and Spinal Dural Arterio-Venous Fistula (DAVF): A Surgical Series of 107 Patients.Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2016;123:177-83. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-29887-0_25


43. Grisanti S, Ferrari VD, Buglione M, Agazzi GM, Liserre R, Poliani L, Buttolo L, Gipponi S, Pedersini R, Consoli F, Panciani P, Roca E, Spena G, Triggiani L, Berruti A; Gruppo Neuro-Oncologico Bresciano.Second line treatment of recurrent glioblastoma with sunitinib: results of a phase II study and systematic review of literature.J Neurosurg Sci. 2016 Sep 28


44. Rofes A, Spena G, Talacchi A, Santini B, Miozzo A, Miceli G. Mapping nouns and finite verbs in left hemisphere tumors: a direct electrical stimulation study. Neurocase. 2017 Mar 27:1-9. 


45. Rofes A, Mandonnet E, Godden J, Baron MH, Colle H, Darlix A, de Aguiar V, Duffau H, Herbet G, Klein M, Lubrano V, Martino J, Mathew R, Miceli G, Moritz-Gasser S, Pallud J, Papagno C, Rech F, Robert E, Rutten GJ, Santarius T, Satoer D, Sierpowska J, Smits A, Skrap M, Spena G, Visch E, De Witte E, Zetterling M, Wager M.  Survey on current cognitive practices within the European Low-Grade Glioma Network: towards a European assessment protocol. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2017 May 4. doi: 10.1007/s00701-017-3192-2


47. Pallud J, Mandonnet E, Corns R, Dezamis E, Parraga E, Zanello M, Spena G. Technical principles of direct bipolar electrostimulation for cortical and subcortical mapping in awake craniotomy. Neurochirurgie. 2017 May 12. pii: S0028-3770(17)30035-8.


48. Altieri R, Hirono S, Duffau H, Ducati A, Fontanella M, LA Rocca G, Melcarne A, Panciani PP, Spena G, Garbossa D.


49. Mandonnet E, Anract P, Martin E, Roujeau T, Spena G, Cormier-Daire V, Duffau H, Baujat G; Collaborators. Brain and skull base MRI findings in patients with Ollier-Maffucci disease: A series of 12 patient-cases. Mandonnet E, Anract P, Martin E, Roujeau T, Spena G, Cormier-Daire V, Duffau H, Baujat G; Collaborators.Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2017 Sep;160:147-151


50. Spena G, Sorrentino T, Altieri R, Redaelli de Zinis L, Stefani R, Panciani PP, Fontanella M. Early career surgical practice for cerebello-pontine angle tumors in the era of radiosurgery. J of Neurological Surgery-Part B. DOI:10.1055/s-0037-1606826


51. Spena G, D’Agata F, Panciani P, Buttalo L, Buglione di Monale Bastia M, Fontanella M. Practical prognostic score for predicting the extent of resection and neurological outcome of gliomas in the sensorimotor area. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2018 Jan;164:25-31. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2017.11.009


 52. Panciani PP, Giordana MT, Gallone S, Muratori A, Rotunno R, Migliorati K, Spena G, Ducati A, Fontanella M. Blood-tissue analysis of TP53 polymorphisms and survival of patients with glioma. J Neurosurg Sci. 2018 Jan 4. doi: 10.23736/S0390-5616.18.04284-4


53. Spena G, Sorrentino T, Altieri R, Zinis LR, Stefini R, Panciani PP, Fontanella M. Early-Career Surgical Practice for Cerebellopontine Angle Tumors in the Era of Radiosurgery. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2018 Jun;79(3):269-281. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1606826


54. Spena G. Letter: A Method for Cranial Nerve XI Silencing During Surgery of the Foramen Magnum Region: Technical Case Report. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2019 Jan 1;16(1):E35. doi: 10.1093/ons/opy315


55. Doglietto F, Belotti F, Nucci CG, Roca E, Mattogno PP, Zappa F, Migliorati K, Panciani PP, Spena G, Cereda C, Cornali C, Fontanella MM. Three-Dimensional High-Definition Ventriculoscope: Single-Center Case Series. World Neurosurg. 2019 Feb 11. pii: S1878-8750(19)30331-6. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.01.219


56. Zanello M, Goodden JR, Colle H, Wager M, Hamer PCW, Smits A, Bello L, Tate M, Spena G, Bresson D, Capelle L, Robles SG, Sarubbo S, Rydenhag B, Martino J, Meyer B, Fontaine D, Reyns N, Schichor C, Metellus P, Colle D, Robert E, Noens B, Muller P, Rossi M, Nibali MC, Papagno C, Galbarritu L, de Gopegui ER, Chioffi F, Bucheli C, Krieg SM, Wostrack M, Yusupov N, Visser V, Baaijen JC, Roux A, Dezamis E, Mandonnet E, Corns R, Duffau H, Pallud J. Predictors of Epileptic Seizures and Ability to Work in Supratentorial Cavernous Angioma Located Within Eloquent Brain Areas. Neurosurgery. 2019 Mar 29. pii: nyz063. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyz063


57. Guerrini F, Roca E, Verlotta M, Grimod G, Spena G. When a benign disease turns into disaster: a unique case of a surgically treated hemorrhagic sylvian fissure meningioma. J Neurosurg Sci. 2019 Apr 2. doi: 10.23736/S0390-5616.19.04689-7


58. Zanello M, Meyer B, Still M, Goodden JR, Colle H, Schichor C, Bello L, Wager M, Smits A, Rydenhag B, Tate M, Metellus P, Hamer PW, Spena G, Capelle L, Mandonnet E, Robles SG, Sarubbo S, Martino González J, Fontaine D, Reyns N, Krieg SM, Huberfeld G, Wostrack M, Colle D, Robert E, Noens B, Muller P, Yusupov N, Rossi M, Conti Nibali M, Papagno C, Visser V, Baaijen H, Galbarritu L, Chioffi F, Bucheli C, Roux A, Dezamis E, Duffau H, Pallud J. Surgical resection of cavernous angioma located within eloquent brain areas: International survey of the practical management among 19 specialized centers.Seizure. 2019 Mar 28;69:31-40. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2019.03.022


59. Spena G, Guerrini F, Grimod G, Salmaggi A, Mazzeo LA. Polymethyl Methacrylate Cranioplasty Is an Effective Ultrasound Window to Explore Intracranial Structures: Preliminary Experience and Future Perspectives. World Neurosurg. 2019 Apr 8. pii: S1878-8750(19)31018-6. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.04.026


60. Spena G, Guerrini F, Decet P, D'agata F, Roca E, Belotti F, Nucci CG, Fontanella MM. Are convexity meningiomas all the same? A clinico-radiological analysis of surgically treated eloquent areas convexity meningiomas. J Neurosurg Sci. 2019 Jul 11. doi: 10.23736/S0390-5616.19.04713-1


61. Spena G, Guerrini F, Grimod G. A modified park bench position: the "Dormeuse" position.

Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2019 Sep;161(9):1823-1827. doi: 10.1007/s00701-019-04013-0. Epub 2019 Jul 19.


62. Spena G, Guerrini F, Grimod G, Salmaggi A, Mazzeo LA.In Reply to the Letter to the Editor Regarding "Polymethyl-Methacrylate Cranioplasty Is an Effective Ultrasound Window to Explore Intracranial Structures: Preliminary Experience and Future Perspectives". World Neurosurg. 2019 Sep;129:548


63. Rifino N, Rigamonti A, Guida FM, De Nobili G, Spena G, Ferrarese C, Salmaggi A. Lack of development of Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia in a cohort of 103 Italian glioblastoma patients not receiving prophylaxis during post-surgical chemoradiotherapy. J Neurol Sci. 2019 Oct 15;405:116431.


64. Spena G, Roca E, Guerrini F, Panciani PP, Stanzani L, Salmaggi A, Luzzi S, Fontanella M.

Risk factors for intraoperative stimulation-related seizures during awake surgery: an analysis of 109 consecutive patients. J Neurooncol. 2019 Nov;145(2):295-300.


65. Spena G, Guerrini F, Grimod G, Salmaggi A, Mazzeo LA. In Reply to "Application of Transcranial Sonography in Post-Cranioplasty". .World Neurosurg. 2019 Aug;128:638.


66. Mantero V, Basilico P, Pozzetti U, Tonolo S, Rossi G, Spena G, Rigamonti A, Salmaggi A.

Concomitant cerebral aspergillosis and mucormycosis in an immunocompetent woman treated with corticosteroids. J Neurovirol. 2020 Apr;26(2):277-280.


67. Roca E, Pallud J, Guerrini F, Panciani PP, Fontanella M, Spena G.Stimulation-related intraoperative seizures during awake surgery: a review of available evidences. Neurosurg Rev. 2020 Feb;43(1):87-93.


68. Nicolosi F, Spena G. Three-Dimensional Virtual Intraoperative Reconstruction: A Novel Method to Explore a Virtual Neurosurgical Field. World Neurosurg. 2020 May;137:e189-e193


69. rzoine J, Levé C, Pérez-Hick A, Goodden J, Almairac F, Aubrun S, Gayat E, Freyschlag CF, Vallée F, Mandonnet E, Madadaki C; collaborators of the ELGGN. Anesthesia management for low-grade glioma awake surgery: a European Low-Grade Glioma Network survey. AActa Neurochir (Wien). 2020 Jul;162(7):1701-1707.


70. Perin A, Servadei F, DiMeco F;May we deliver neuro-oncology in difficult times (e.g. COVID-19)? ‘Hub and Spoke’ Lombardy Neurosurgery Group.J Neurooncol. 2020 May;148(1):203-205


71. Rudà R, Angileri FF, Ius T, Silvani A, Sarubbo S, Solari A, Castellano A, Falini A, Pollo B, Del Basso De Caro M, Papagno C, Minniti G, De Paula U, Navarria P, Nicolato A, Salmaggi A, Pace A, Fabi A, Caffo M, Lombardi G, Carapella CM, Spena G, Iacoangeli M, Fontanella M, Germanò AF, Olivi A, Bello L, Esposito V, Skrap M, Soffietti R. Italian consensus and recommendations on diagnosis and treatment of low-grade gliomas. An intersociety (SINch/AINO/SIN) document. ; SINch Neuro-Oncology Section, AINO and SIN Neuro-Oncology Section.J Neurosurg Sci. 2020 Aug;64(4):313-334.


72. Madadaki C, Aubrun S, Bello L, Duffau H, Mandonnet E; ELGGN.Reply to: Letter to the Editor Regarding Anesthesia Management for Low-Grade Glioma Awake Surgery: A European Low-Grade Glioma Network Survey. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2020 Jul;162(7):1723-1724.


73. Fontanella MM, Zanin L, Fiorindi A, Spena G, Nicolosi F, Belotti F, Panciani P, Cornali C, Doglietto F. Surgical Management of Brain Cavernous Malformations. .Methods Mol Biol. 2020;2152:109-128


74. Angileri FF, Sabatino G, Cavallo LM, Pessina F, Ius T, DE Divitiis O, Esposito F, Grimod G, Raffa G, Spena G, Cardali S, Esposito V, GermanÒ A, Maiuri F, Fontanella M, Cenzato M

Natura non facit saltus: a phase 2 proposal to manage brain tumors cases from the Neuro-oncology section of the Italian Society of Neurosurgery (SINch®). Neuro-oncology Section of the Italian Society of Neurosurgery (SINch®).J Neurosurg Sci. 2021 Feb;65(1):1-7.


75. Rigamonti A, Mantero V, Piamarta F, Spena G, Salmaggi A.Cerebral venous thrombosis associated with coronavirus infection: an underestimated entity? Neurol Sci. 2021 Jan;42(1):317-318


76. Rigamonti A, Simonetti G, Silvani A, Rudà R, Franchino F, Villani V, Pace A, Merli R, Servida M, Picca A, Berzero G, Cerase A, Chiarotti I, Spena G, Salmaggi A. Adult brainstem glioma: a multicentre retrospective analysis of 47 Italian patients. ; neurooncology group of SNO (Society of Hospital Neurosciences, Italy).Neurol Sci. 2021 May;42(5):1879-1886.


77. Giussani C, Sganzerla E, Spena G, Spagnoli D, Assietti R, Bellocchi S, Vivaldi O, Bernucci C, Magrassi L, Zoia C, Egidi M, DE Gonda F, Locatelli M, Bello L, Incerti M, Servello D, Vitale M, Nicolosi F, Fioravanti A, Fontanella M, Stefini R. Converted neurosurgeons in a converted coronavirus hospital: sharing the experience of a metamorphosis. .J Neurosurg Sci. 2021 Feb;65(1):84-85.


78. Ius T, Somma T, Altieri R, Angileri FF, Barbagallo GM, Cappabianca P, Certo F, Cofano F, D'Elia A, Della Pepa GM, Esposito V, Fontanella MM, Germanò A, Garbossa D, Isola M, La Rocca G, Maiuri F, Olivi A, Panciani PP, Pignotti F, Skrap M, Spena G, Sabatino G. Is age an additional factor in the treatment of elderly patients with glioblastoma? A new stratification model: an Italian Multicenter Study.Neurosurg Focus. 2020 Oct;49(4)


79. Lofrese G, Scerrati A, Balsano M, Bassani R, Cappuccio M, Cavallo MA, Cofano F, Cultrera F, De Iure F, Biase FD, Donati R, Garbossa D, Menegatti M, Olivi A, Palandri G, Raco A, Ricciardi L, Spena G, Tosatto L, Visani J, Visocchi M, Zona G, De Bonis P. Surgical Treatment of Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH) Involving the Cervical Spine: Technical Nuances and Outcome of a Multicenter Experience. Global Spine J. 2021 Feb 16:2192568220988272.

80. Piccirilli M, Spena G, Marchese E, Tropeano MP, Santoro A. A new device for bone cranial flap fixation: Technical note and surgical remarks. A multicentric experience. Surg Neurol Int. 2021 Feb 23;12:74.


81. Fontanella MM, Bacigaluppi S, Doglietto F, Zanin L, Agosti E, Panciani P, Belotti F, Saraceno G, Spena G, Draghi R, Fiorindi A, Cornali C, Biroli A, Kivelev J, Chiesa M, Retta SF, Gasparotti R, Kato Y, Hernesniemi J, Rigamonti D. An international call for a new grading system for cerebral and cerebellar cavernomas. J Neurosurg Sci. 2021 Jun;65(3):239-246.


82. Mattogno PP, Guerrini F, Nicolosi F, Panciani P, Olivi A, Fontanella M, Spena G.Minimally Invasive Subfrontal Approach: How to Make it Safe and Effective from the Olfactory Groove to the Mesial Temporal Lobe. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg. 2021 Nov;82(6):585-593. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1722697


83. Morris K, Nami M, Bolanos JF, Lobo MA, Sadri-Naini M, Fiallos J, Sanchez GE, Bustos T, Chintam N, Amaya M, Strand SE, Mayuku-Dore A, Sakibova I, Biso GMN, DeFilippis A, Bravo D, Tarhan N, Claussen C, Mercado A, Braun S, Yuge L, Okabe S, Taghizadeh-Hesary F, Kotliar K, Sadowsky C, Chandra PS, Tripathi M, Katsaros V, Mehling B, Noroozian M, Abbasioun K, Amirjamshidi A, Hossein-Zadeh GA, Naraghi F, Barzegar M, Asadi-Pooya AA, Sahab-Negah S, Sadeghian S, Fahnestock M, Dilbaz N, Hussain N, Mari Z, Thatcher RW, Sipple D, Sidhu K, Chopra D, Costa F, Spena G, Berger T, Zelinsky D, Wheeler CJ, Ashford JW, Schulte R, Nezami MA, Kloor H, Filler A, Eliashiv DS, Sinha D, DeSalles AAF, Sadanand V, Suchkov S, Green K, Metin B, Hariri R, Cormier J, Yamamoto V, Kateb B.

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84. Nicolosi F, Pessina F, Gelmi CAE, Belotti F, Mahoney DE, Agosti E, Serioli S, Saraceno G, Dimitrov A, Rossini Z, Spena G. New neuroanatomy learning paradigms for the next generation of trainees: A novel literature-based 3D methodology.

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85. Fiorindi A, Vezzoli M, Doglietto F, Zanin L, Saraceno G, Agosti E, Barbieri A, Bellocchi S, Bernucci C, Bongetta D, Cardia A, Costi E, Egidi M, Fioravanti A, Gasparotti R, Giussani C, Grimod G, Latronico N, Locatelli D, Mardighian D, Nodari G, Poli JC, Rasulo F, Roca E, Sicuri GM, Spena G, Stefini R, Vivaldi O, Zoia C, Calza S, Fontanella MM, Cenzato.  Aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage during the COVID-19 outbreak in a Hub and Spoke system: observational multicenter cohort study in Lombardy, Italy. .Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2021 Oct 25:1-10. doi: 10.1007/s00701-021-05013-9


86. Guerrini F, Mazzeo LA, Rossi G, Verlotta M, Del Maestro M, Rampini AD, Pesce A, Viganò M, Luzzi S, Galzio RJ, Salmaggi A, Spena G.Is It Worth Considering Multicentric High-Grade Glioma a Surgical Disease? Analysis of Our Clinical Experience and Literature Review.

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87. Crea A, Grimod G, Scalia G, Verlotta M, Mazzeo L, Rossi G, Mattavelli D, Rampinelli V, Luzzi S, Spena G.Fronto-orbito-ethmoidal intradiploic meningiomas: A case study with systematic review. Surg Neurol Int. 2021 Sep 30;12:485. doi: 10.25259/SNI_386_2021


88. Commentary: "Sagittal Crest": Definition, Stepwise Dissection, and Clinical Implication From a Transorbital Perspective. Zoia C, Pagella F, Spena G.Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2022 May 1;22(5):e213-e214. doi: 10.1227/ons.0000000000000165.


89.  Epidemiology-based evaluation of trends in treatment for ruptured intracranial aneurysms in Italy. Bongetta D, Zoia C, Agosti E, Doglietto F, Fiorindi A, Spena G, Fontanella MM, Giussani CG.J Neurosurg Sci. 2022 Apr 13. doi: 10.23736/S0390-5616.22.05755-1. 


90. Supramarginal Resection for Glioblastoma: It Is Time to Set Boundaries! A Critical Review on a Hot Topic. Guerrini F, Roca E, Spena G.Brain Sci. 2022 May 16;12(5):652. doi: 10.3390/brainsci12050652


91. Virtual-Augmented Reality and Life-Like Neurosurgical Simulator for Training: First Evaluation of a Hands-On Experience for Residents. Petrone S, Cofano F, Nicolosi F, Spena G, Moschino M, Di Perna G, Lavorato A, Lanotte MM, Garbossa D.Front Surg. 2022 May 19;9:862948. doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2022.862948. eCollection 2022.


92. Posterior fossa syndrome in a population of children and young adults with medulloblastoma: a retrospective, multicenter Italian study on incidence and pathophysiology in a histologically homogeneous and consecutive series of 136 patients.

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93. The Aftercare Survey: Assessment and intervention practices after brain tumor surgery in Europe. Sierpowska J, Rofes A, Dahlslätt K, Mandonnet E, Ter Laan M, PoÅ‚czyÅ„ska M, Hamer PW, Halaj M, Spena G, Meling TR, Motomura K, Reyes AF, Campos AR, Robe PA, Zigiotto L, Sarubbo S, Freyschlag CF, Broen MPG, Stranjalis G, Papadopoulos K, Liouta E, Rutten GJ, Viegas CP, Silvestre A, Perrote F, Brochero N, Cáceres C, Zdun-Ryżewska A, Kloc W, Satoer D, Dragoy O, Hendriks MPH, Alvarez-Carriles JC, Piai V.Neurooncol Pract. 2022 Apr 4;9(4):328-337. doi: 10.1093/nop/npac029. eCollection 2022 Aug


94. Endoscopic endonasal approach for infradiaphragmatic craniopharyngiomas: a multicentric Italian study. Solari D, d'Avella E, Agresta G, Catapano D, D'Ecclesia A, Locatelli D, Massimi L, Mazzatenta D, Spena G, Tamburrini G, Zoia C, Zoli M, Cinalli G, Cappabianca P, Cavallo LM.J Neurosurg. 2022 Jul 8;138(2):522-532. doi: 10.3171/2022.5.JNS212974


95. Applying objective metrics to neurosurgical skill development with simulation and spaced repetition learning. Robertson FC, Stapleton CJ, Coumans JCE, Nicolosi F, Vooijs M, Blitz S, Guerrini F, Spena G, Giussani C, Zoia C, Nahed BV.J Neurosurg. 2023 Mar 10:1-9. doi: 10.3171/2023.1.JNS222651.


96 Towards a common language in neurosurgical outcome evaluation: the NEON (NEurosurgical Outcome Network) proposal. Ferroli P, Schiavolin S, Mariniello A, Acerbi F, Restelli F, Schiariti M, LA Corte E, Falco J, Levi V, Dimeco F, Assietti R, Bongetta D, Colombo EV, Bellocchi S, Sangiorgi S, Bistazzoni S, Polosa M, Orru MI, Spena G, Bernucci C, Sicignano AM, Fanti A, Brembilla C, Resmini B, Costi E, Cenzato M, Talamonti G, Bottini G, Scarpa P, Bollani A, Querzola M, Palmas G, DE Gonda F, Bosio L, Egidi M, Tardivo V, Fioravanti A, Subacchi S, Fontanella M, Biroli A, Cereda C, Panciani PP, Bergomi R, Pertichetti M, Tancioni F, Bona A, Tartara FA, Fornari M, Pessina F, Lasio G, Cardia A, Servadei F, Riva M, Casarotti A, Giussani C, Fiori L, Mazzoleni F, Vaiani S, Carrabba G, DI Cristofori A, Sganzerla EP, Vimercati A, Isella V, Mauri I, Incerti M, Sicuri G, Miramonti V, Stefini R, Spagnoli D, Piparo M, Grimod G, Regazzoni R, Vismara D, Mazzeo L, Monti E, Franzin A, Vivaldi O, Maietti A, Pini E, Servello D, Zekaj E, DE Michele S, Locatelli M, Borsa S, Grimoldi N, Caroli M, Tariciotti L, Abete-Fornara G, Vitale M, Leonardi M, Broggi M.J Neurosurg Sci. 2023 Jun;67(3):263-272. doi: 10.23736/S0390-5616.23.05968-4


97. Surgical management of Glioma Grade 4: technical update from the neuro-oncology section of the Italian Society of Neurosurgery (SINch®): a systematic review. Ius T, Sabatino G, Panciani PP, Fontanella MM, Rudà R, Castellano A, Barbagallo GMV, Belotti F, Boccaletti R, Catapano G, Costantino G, Della Puppa A, Di Meco F, Gagliardi F, Garbossa D, Germanò AF, Iacoangeli M, Mortini P, Olivi A, Pessina F, Pignotti F, Pinna G, Raco A, Sala F, Signorelli F, Sarubbo S, Skrap M, Spena G, Somma T, Sturiale C, Angileri FF, Esposito V.J Neurooncol. 2023 Apr;162(2):267-293. doi: 10.1007/s11060-023-04274-x


98.  Comparison of anatomical-based vs. nTMS-based risk stratification model for predicting postoperative motor outcome and extent of resection in brain tumor surgery. Ivren M, Grittner U, Khakhar R, Belotti F, Schneider H, Pöser P, D'Agata F, Spena G, Vajkoczy P, Picht T, Rosenstock T.Neuroimage Clin. 2023 May 16;38:103436. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103436. 


99. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on surgical neuro-oncology: A survey from the Italian society of neurosurgery (SINch).Zanin L, Ius T, Panciani PP, Esposito F, Gori A, Fontanella MM, Tropeano MP, Raco A, Angileri FF, Sabatino G, Olivi A, Esposito V, Pessina F; SINch NeuroOncology Study Group. World Neurosurg X. 2023 Jun 24;20:100233. doi: 10.1016/j.wnsx.2023.100233


100. Evaluation of endocrinological sequelae following particle therapy performed on anterior skull base lesions in the adult population.Zoia C, Todeschini G, Lovati E, Lucotti P, Iannalfi A, Bongetta D, Di Sabatino A, Riva G, Cavallo I, Orlandi E, Spena G. Surg Neurol Int. 2023 Aug 18;14:293. doi: 10.25259/SNI_41_2023


101. Ultra-Early Treatment of Neurosurgical Emergencies with Endoscopic Endonasal Approach: Experience from Three Italian Referral Centers. Mattogno PP, Zoli M, D'Alessandris QG, Bongetta D, Caccavella VM, Rigante M, Della Pepa GM, Mazzatenta D, Lauretti L, Olivi A, Spena G, Zoia. C.J Clin Med. 2023 Aug 23;12(17):5471.


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103. Written language preservation in glioma patients undergoing awake surgery: The value of tailored intra-operative assessment. van Ierschot FC, Veenstra W, Miozzo A, Santini B, Jeltema HR, Spena G, Miceli G. J Neuropsychol. 2023 Oct 16. doi: 10.1111/jnp.12349


104. Reducing the gap in neurosurgical education in LMICs: a report of a non-profit educational program. Grazia M, Kolias A, Esene IN, Barthélemy EJ, Hoz S, Laeke T, Veiga Silva AC, Longo-Calderón GM, Baticulon RE, Zabala JP, Hassani FD, El Abbadi N, Khan MM, Robertson FC, Thango N, Cheresem B, Ogando-Rivas E, Roumy LG, Karakezi C, Alamri A, Spena G, Cenzato M, Servadei F, Giussani CG, Nicolosi F. World Neurosurg. 2023 Dec 13:S1878-8750(23)01761-8. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2023.12.040





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3. Management of Chiari Malformation. In “Surgery of the Cranio-Vertebral Junction”, Tessitore/Dehdashti/Schonauer/Thome. Springer,


4. Digital Technology in Neurosurgery: A Successful Entrepreneurship Story. Nicolosi, F., Raimondo, P., Spena, G. (2022). In: Germano, I.M. (eds) Neurosurgery and Global Health. Springer, Cham.

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